This page is for photos and biographies of members of the Rec.Crafts.Metalworking newsgroup community. Unlike the Dropbox, these pictures are primarily intended to help us get to know each other, and will not be "retired" like those in the regular Dropbox.
Please submit your information by e-mailing with attachments to .
Please indicate the name you wish to be know as if you insist in not using your real name. Your RCM "handle" should also be included even if you choose to be listed under your real name. Please include a biography or history of your hobby involvement. E-mail and web page addresses are also recommended. This page should be buried deep enough within the site to avoid automatic harvesting of addresses, and you can put the usual spam-proofing (with explanation) in your address.
Files WILL be edited by the webmaster before being MANUALLY posted. Please try to keep picture sizes reasonable and use meaningful names on your files. Feel free to supply multiple photos including views of your workshop or examples of your endeavors. The files will simply be put into individual folders for browsing in a fashion similar to individual Dropboxes.
The information presented on this page has been supplied by the listers and has not been verified.
Bastow, Robert (posted to RCM as > teenut)
Brandon, Dave (posts to RCM as > Dave Brandon)
Drumm, Peter (posted to RCM as > Peter Drumm)
Eaton, Nigel (posts to RCM as > Nigel Eaton)
Goldstein, Bucky (posts to RCM as > Bucky Goldstein and Pete Somebody)
Gustafson, Lane (posts to RCM as > Lane)
Hartswick, Lewis (posts to RCM as > ...lew...)
Logan, Scott (posts to RCM as > Scott S. Logan)
Moore, Alan (posts to RCM as > Al Moore)
Rayner, Steve (posts to RCM as > Steve Rayner)
Rozen, Jim (posts to RCM as > mulligan, and jim rozen)
Williams, Fitch (posts to RCM as > Fitch Williams)
Williams, Tim (posts to RCM as > Tim)
Wilson, Jim (posts to RCM as > Jim Wilson)
Copyright © 2001 Practical Micro Design, Inc. Please send questions or comments to .